This year I read a few good books. Honestly I think it's boring to read so much
about geography, so when I have some free time I start reading other things.
I have great admiration for French writers since the days illustrated to some very contemporary. This year I bought three books to pass the time in the summer, "The Optimist" of Voltaire, the play "The Flies" by Jean-Paul Sartre and Albert Camus essay called "The Myth of Sisyphus." I devoured these three books before the end of the first month of holidays, so after I read some books of my brother of German philosophers.
I've always loved to read philosophy and mythology, and more French authors who are my favorites so that reading his books I am very pleased. I am also a loyal fan of JRR Tolkien's created world.
You can say I'm a reader exile, because in my house I can not easily do because there is always noise TVs, radios or anything else that my mother is doing. To read I should be absolutely calm and silent, otherwise I get distracted ... I think I have very little concentration.
If I can, I read on the toilet, on my desktop, travel from home to university, on the subway or in a place with little noise.
Reading is a great hobby, I know of no reason that prevents people to read, I guess when there is no habit is boring, but reading has many benefits for mental activities.